- Monday
- Morning: five minute warm-up on the stationary bike, then two rounds of five Nautilus exercises each with three minutes on the bike in between each exercise, followed by a five minute cool down. 37 minutes of cardio and ten sets in 45 minutes. Yay! All weights were moderately heavy.
- Shoulder press
- Pull-over
- Chest press
- Row
- Hack squat
- Evening: Tabata (20 secs work / 10 secs rest) of eight sets per round and two rounds. All weights were 145lbs. Reps for the first round were 15-20 per 20 seconds, but fell to 10-15 for the second round.
- Lat pull-down
- Chest-press
- Leg extension
- Row
- Inclined press
- Leg curl
- Wall balls (squat with medicine ball, explode up and throw to four meters or so, catching and lowering to squat in one motion).
- Jumping rope
- Tuesday
- Morning: a repeat of the Tabata from Monday
- Wednesday
- Morning: 12 set, full-body workout with moderately heavy weight (~10 reps per set)
- Lat pull-down
- Row
- Chest press
- Shoulder press
- Leg extension
- Leg curl
- Evening: Repeat morning workout
- Thursday:
- Morning: 12 set, full-body workout with moderately heavy weight
- Dip
- Supinated pull-down
- Leg extension
- Leg Curl
- X3
- Afternoon: 6 km "run"
- Friday
- Morning: Repeat of Wednesday morning's workout
- Evening: Squats and deadlifs
- Saturday
- Morning: ~26 mile (40km) bike. The route was very hilly and mostly uphill the first half. This is also my first time biking in about nine months. Ack! I've just finished, and I recognize the feeling from when I did my olympic-distance triathlon: I won't be able to stand up in three hours.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Workout Log: Week of 17-22 May 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Workout Log for May 11th: Full-body
I've been sucking at working out, and I can't do half the exercises XF wants me to do, so I've just gone back to full-body, and will let my joints heal.
- Hammer Press: 6 sets, max 310 lbs
- Hammer pull-down: 5 sets, max 310 lbs
- Deadlift: 3 sets, max 325 lbs
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Workout Log for April 29: Crossfit WOD 21-15-9
I've put myself on a strict schedule leading up to my exams on June 2nd. This is the first day, and I'm following it reasonably well. Instead of worrying what to do for a workout, I'm just going to be following the Crossfit WOD at 10:00 a.m. whenever possible and do endurance work at 7:00 a.m.. I was supposed to do clean and jerks today, but my knees are crippled after DLs and V-squats yesterday, and my left forearm had trouble holding the bar, so I switched to box squats. Oh, and I didn't run. :P
21, 15, and 9 reps as giant set for time
21, 15, and 9 reps as giant set for time
- Sumo DB deadlifts 100 lbs.
- Box jumps
- Bodyweight squats
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Workout Log for April 25th: Chest
I was supposed to be off today, but I needed a break from all that math I've been studying. I did something pretty light.
- BB Bench Press: 115, 135, 185 x 6, 205 x 4; rest on chest for one second
- Dip: 255x15
- Military Press: 95x8, 115x6x2
- Tricep pushdown: 100x10
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Workout log for April 24th: Legs
I kept going today because I felt like I had extra to give. I need to do that because a lot of times, I have to cut my workout short when I feel like crap. Good day, today: I broke 800 on the leg press.
- Deadlift: 135x6, 225x6, 315x4
- Rack pull: 405x6
- Back squat: 135x6, 225x4x2
- Leg press: 360x10, 450x8, 540, 630, 720, 810x6
Friday, April 23, 2010
Workout log for April 23rd: Back
I felt weird at the gym today -- like I was being judged.
- Hanging cleans: 95,125,135x6
- Neutral-grip Pull-ups: 255x7,5,3
- Bent-over BB Rows: 135x10, 185x6x2
- Close-hand Pull-downs: 210x6x3
- Alternating Bent-over DB Rows (Core): 40,50,60x10
- Alternating DB Hammer Curls: 35x6 (I couldn't even hold onto the DBs :P )
- Hanging Leg Raises: 10
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Workout Log for Apr 22, 2010: Chest
I only worked out three times last week, and didn't do much yet this week, so I'll be on a 3-split for Th, Fr, Sa. Weight is down to 255 from 270 last month. Everything is in pounds now that I'm in the U.S.
- Push-press: 75x10, 105x6x2
- Dip: 255 x 6, 8, 10
- Alternating DB Chest Press: 60x6x2
- DB Chest Press: 70x8, 80x8
- DB Shoulder Press: 35x10, 40x10, 45x10
- Tricep push-down: 100x15, 120x15, 150x15
- DB Overhead Tricep Extension: 60x10
- Chest Flyes: 150x10, 170x10, 200x10
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Workout Log for March 30th -- Chin-ups
This was my second-to-last day in the gym. I did chin-ups. Oh, and lat pull-downs.
- Chin-ups:120kg x 5 reps x 5 sets
- Lat Pull-downs: 100kg x 6 reps x 3 sets
Monday, March 29, 2010
Workout Log for March 29th -- Deadlifts
I have three days left on my gym membership, so I'm going to use them to good effect. Today was simple: Romanian deadlifts.
I tied a personal best from before I injured my hamstring. I briefly considered trying 200kg, but the last time I tried that weight, I ... er ... injured my hamstring. I decided to accept the tie. For these deadlifts, I used a rack, pulled, and did a touch-and-go style. I use hooks only for the highest weights.
- 90kg x 6
- 120kg x 6
- 150kg x 2
- 170kg x 1
- 190kg x 1
I tied a personal best from before I injured my hamstring. I briefly considered trying 200kg, but the last time I tried that weight, I ... er ... injured my hamstring. I decided to accept the tie. For these deadlifts, I used a rack, pulled, and did a touch-and-go style. I use hooks only for the highest weights.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Workout log for March 26th: Rest-pause Conditioning
Rest-pause with 3 mins of treadmill in between exercises. No other rest.
- Deadlift: 120kg x 11+4
- Dip: 121kg x 20
- Hack Squat: 150kg x 6+4
- Chin-up: 121kg x 7+3
- Jerk: 60kg x 5
This video below is what I want to get to eventually with my conditioning training.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Workout Log for March 25th: Endurance
Light endurance exercises done as quickly as possible in between biking (3 mins / 17 Cal / 80W). Three sets of each of:
- Dumbbell curl: 20lb x 20
- Alternating dumbbell shoulder press: 20lb x 20
- Alternating dumbbell tricep extension: 20lb x 2
Workout Log for March 24th: 5X5 Conditioning
Five exercises. Five Sets each. Five Reps each. Done as a circuit. No rest. Whew!
- Squat: 90kg
- Dip: 120kg
- Pull-up: 120kg
- Push-press: 50kg
- Treadmill: 3 mins
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Workout Log for March 16th: Full-body Rest-Pause
This was a variation of the rest-pause training I've been doing for a couple of weeks (15 reps, resting a little as necessary to get there). Instead, The weight is unracked, one rep is performed, and the weight is racked again. One rep is performed every fifteen seconds until complete failure. Racking and unracking can take a lot of time and energy, so this method isn't as easy as I expected it to be.
- BB bench press:
- Warm-up: 70 kg x 10, 2 sets
- Rest-pause: 100 kg x 8
- Bent-over BB Rows (overhand):
- Warm-up: 50 kg x 10, 2 sets
- Rest-pause: 80 kg x 12 <-- My back tightened up here.
- Sumo deadlifts:
- Warm-up: 100 kg x 6
- Rest-pause: 120 kg x 6 <-- More back tightness and a little pain made me stop
- Dips:
- Warm-up: 120 kg x 6
- Rest-pause: 127 kg (BW+7) x 12
- Chin-ups:
- Warm-up: 120 kg x 6
- Rest-pause: 120 kg x 15
- Treadmill: 1.5 km run (10 mins) + 1.5 km walk (15 mins), 280 Cal
- DB hammer curls: 35 lb x 10
- EZ-bar curls: 80lbs x 8, 90 lbs x 6
- Static hang: 1 min
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Workout for March 13th -- Legs
Leg day
- Warm-up: 5 mins
- Deadlift: 70 kg x 10, 110 kg x 10, 140 kg x 2, 160 kg x 1, 170 kg x 1
- Back squat: 50 kg x 6, 70 kg x 6, 90 kg x 6, 110 kg x 6, 120 kg x 5
- Leg press: 200 kg x 10, 270 kg x 10, 320 kg x 6, 370 kg x 5
- Calf raise: 200 kg x 20, 3 sets
- Interval run: 3 km / 20 mins / 330 Cal
Workout Log for March 12 -- Back
Back day
- Warm-up run: 5 mins
- Hanging clean: 50 kg x 8, 3 sets
- BB row (underhand): 70kg x 10, 90 kg x 6 x 2 sets
- Chin-up: 6 reps, 3 sets
- Upright row: 90 lbs x 8 x 3 sets
- EZ-bar curl: 70 lbs x 10, 80 lbs x 8, 90 lbs x 6
- Hammer DB curl: 35 lbs x 10, 40 lbs x 8, 45 lbs x 6
- Interval run: 3km / 21 mins / 310 Cal
Workout Log for March 11 -- Chest
Had to do visa and otehr crap at the beginning of the week, so was left with three consecutive days at the gym, meaning I had to do a 3-split. Chest day.
- Warm-up run: 5 mins
- DB Bench: 60x10, 80x10, 90x6, 100x5 lbs
- DB inclined bench: 50x10, 70x10, 80x8, 90x6 lbs
- BB shoulder press with tricep extension at the top: 50 kg x 10, 3 sets
- Dip (chest version): 120k x 10, 3 sets, 135 kg (bodyweight+15) x 6, 1 set
- Tricep pushdown: 40x10, 45x10, 50x6, 50x6 kg
- Interval run: 2 km / 15 mins / 210 Cal
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Body Measurements for March 7th
Current Measurements (Change since November)
Neck: 18.5 (0)
Chest: 49 (+0.5)
Waist: 43 (-3)
Hips: 46 (0)
Calf: 18 (0)
Arm: 17 (- 0.5)
Forearm: 14 (+ 0.5)
Wrist: 8
Weight: 118 (-5)
BF%: 20
Neck: 18.5 (0)
Chest: 49 (+0.5)
Waist: 43 (-3)
Hips: 46 (0)
Calf: 18 (0)
Arm: 17 (- 0.5)
Forearm: 14 (+ 0.5)
Wrist: 8
Weight: 118 (-5)
BF%: 20
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Workout Log for March 6th
Back to Rest-Pause high-intensity training. Single set of 15 reps, pausing if necessary to complete.
- Jog: 5 mins
- Deadlift: 110kg, 15 reps, no pause
- Jog: 3 mins
- Dip: 120kg, 15 reps, no pause
- Jog: 3 mins
- Squat: 90kg, 10 + 5 reps
- Jog: 3 mins
- Chin-up: 120kg, 7 + 4 + 4 reps
- Jog: 3 mins
- Push-press: 60kg, 11 + 4 reps
- 5 minutes' rest
- Interval run: 10 mins, 1km, 100Cal
Related articles by Zemanta
- A Killer HIRT Circuit by CrossFit's Willie Albert (projectswole.com)
Workout Log for March 4th
More HIT workouts
- Supersets with no rest between sets or exercises
- Dips: 120kg, 10 reps, 3 sets
- One-arm rows: 50lbs, 10 reps, 3 sets
- Supersets with the minimum amount of rest necessary to keep going
- Clean and jerk: 50kg, 4/3/3 reps
- Commando chin-ups, alternating sides: 120kg, 4 reps, 3 sets
- Supersets with one minute rest between rounds
- DB curls: 30lbs, 10 reps, 3 sets
- DB shoulder presses: 30lbs, 10 reps, 3 sets
- DB tricep extensions: 30lbs, 10 reps, 3 sets
- Jump squat, knees to chest: 10 reps
- Treadmill: 20 mins easy
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Workout Log for March 2nd
I took the end of last week off because of feeling a bit down. The last two weeks saw me drop 5kg, and I'm back onto what is probably my last gain phase ever.
- DB bench press: 70 lbs, 10 reps
- 1 minute rest
- Double DB bent-over row: 50 lbs, 10 reps
- 1 minute rest
- DB bench press: 80 lbs, 8 reps
- 1 minute rest
- Double DB bent-over row: 60 lbs, 8 reps
- 1 minute rest
- DB bench press: 90 lbs, 6 reps
- 1 minute rest
- Double DB bent-over row: 70 lbs, 6 reps
- 1 minute rest
- Sumo deadlift: 90 kg, 10 reps
- 1 minute rest
- Sumo deadlift: 110 kg, 6 reps
- 1 minute rest
- Sumo deadlift: 110 kg, 6 reps
- 1 minute rest
- Hanging clean: 50 kg, 4 reps, 3 sets, alternated with
- 1 minute rest
- Giant concentration set
- EZ-bar curl,
- shoulder press, and
- overhead tricep press:
- 70 lbs, 10 reps
- 80 lbs, 10 reps
- 90 lbs, 10 reps
- Bike: 20 mins easy
Related articles by Zemanta
- Heavy Dumbbell Bench Presses for the Chest (strengthandphysique.blogspot.com)
- Building a Stronger Grip (fitnesstipsforlife.com)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Workout Log: Monday, February 22nd
I jumped to MWF this week, so I didn't have two days off over the weekend, and boooooy did I feel the difference.
- Treadmill: 5 mins
- Deadlift: 110kg 15 reps
- Bike: 3 mins, 110W
- Dip: 120ks, 18 reps
- Bike: 3 mins, 100W
- Squat: 90kg, 15 reps
- Bike: 3 mins, 110W
- Chin-up: 120kg 6 + 4 reps <- hurt my bicep here, didn't finish
- Treadmill: 3 mins
- Push-press: 60kg, 10 reps <- In too much pain to push to completion
- Bike: 3 mins, 110W
- Bodyweight circuit X2 <- Again, didn't finish
- Push-up
- Crunch
- Box jump
- Bike: 10 min, intervals
- Treadmill: 10 min, intervals
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Workout Log for February 20th
Failed today. Rest/pause sets at 8-10RM, 15 total reps with six breaths' pause. No other rest during the workout.
- Bike: 5mins, 110W
- Deadlift: 110kg, 15 reps
- Bike: 3 mins, 110W
- Dip: 120kg, 15 + 3 reps
- Bike: 3 mins, 110W
- Squat: 90kg, 15 reps
- Bike: 3 mins, 110W
- Chin-up: 120kg, 6 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 reps. <--- I started to lose it here. This is worse than my last workout.
- Bike: 3 mins, 100W
- Push-press: 60kg, 10 reps <- I passed out in the middle of the set and had to stop the workout
- 10 mins rest / recovery
- Shoulder press: 20kg 15 + 15 reps
- Treadmill intervals X 5 + cool-down
- 1 min high intensity
- 2 mins low intensity
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Daily Workout Log: Feb. 18th
- Bike: 5 mins, 105W
- Deadlift: 90kg, 15 reps
- Bike: 3 mins, 105W
- Dips: 122kg, 15 + 2 reps
- Bike: 3 mins, 80W
- Squat: 70kg, 15 reps
- Bike: 3 mins, 80W
- Chin-up: 122kg, 7 + 3 + 2 + 3 reps
- Bike: 3 mins, 50W <-- at this point, I was just trying not to puke
- Push press: 60kg, 10 + 3 + 2 reps
- Bike: 3 mins, 50W
- Circuits X 3
- push-up: 15 sec
- crunch: 15 sec
- box jump: 15 sec
- rest: 15 sec
- Bike: 15 mins, 80W
- Walk: 15 mins, 5.5km/hr
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Daily Workout Report: Feb 16th
5 min warm-up on the treadmill. Each exercise is alternated with 3 mins on the treadmill. Cool-down is 15 mins on the treadmill. No rest.
- Deadlifts: 70kg x 15 reps, single set
- Dips: 122kg x 15 reps, single set
- Squats: 70 kg x 15 reps, 10 + 5
- Chin-ups: 122kg x 15 reps. 6 + 4 + 3 + 2
- Push-presses: 50kg x 15 reps, single set
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