Saturday, May 22, 2010

Workout Log: Week of 17-22 May 2010

A public demonstration of aerobic exercisesImage via Wikipedia
I was too lazy to write individual logs this week. Ten workouts in six days. Me likey!

  • Monday
    • Morning: five minute warm-up on the stationary bike, then two rounds of five Nautilus exercises each with three minutes on the bike in between each exercise, followed by a five minute cool down. 37 minutes of cardio and ten sets in 45 minutes. Yay! All weights were moderately heavy.
      • Shoulder press
      • Pull-over
      • Chest press
      • Row
      • Hack squat
    • Evening: Tabata (20 secs work /  10 secs rest) of eight sets per round and two rounds. All weights were 145lbs. Reps for the first round were 15-20 per 20 seconds, but fell to 10-15 for the second round.
      • Lat pull-down
      • Chest-press
      • Leg extension
      • Row
      • Inclined press
      • Leg curl
      • Wall balls (squat with medicine ball, explode up and throw to four meters or so, catching and lowering to squat in one motion).
      • Jumping rope
  • Tuesday
    • Morning: a repeat of the Tabata from Monday
  • Wednesday
    • Morning: 12 set, full-body workout with moderately heavy weight (~10 reps per set)
      • Lat pull-down
      • Row
      • Chest press
      • Shoulder press
      • Leg extension
      • Leg curl
    • Evening: Repeat morning workout
  • Thursday:
    • Morning: 12 set, full-body workout with moderately heavy weight
      • Dip
      • Supinated pull-down
      • Leg extension
      • Leg Curl
      • X3
    • Afternoon: 6 km "run"
  • Friday
    • Morning: Repeat of Wednesday morning's workout
    • Evening: Squats and deadlifs
  • Saturday
    • Morning: ~26 mile (40km) bike. The route was very hilly and mostly uphill the first half. This is also my first time biking in about nine months. Ack! I've just finished, and I recognize the feeling from when I did my olympic-distance triathlon: I won't be able to stand up in three hours.
The picture is just there to make you wonder what we were all thinking in the 80s.

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