Thursday, April 22, 2010

Workout Log for Apr 22, 2010: Chest

I only worked out three times last week, and didn't do much yet this week, so I'll be on a 3-split for Th, Fr, Sa. Weight is down to 255 from 270 last month. Everything is in pounds now that I'm in the U.S.
  • Push-press: 75x10, 105x6x2
  • Dip: 255 x 6, 8, 10
  • Alternating DB Chest Press: 60x6x2
  • DB Chest Press: 70x8, 80x8
  • DB Shoulder Press: 35x10, 40x10, 45x10
  • Tricep push-down: 100x15, 120x15, 150x15
  • DB Overhead Tricep Extension: 60x10
  • Chest Flyes: 150x10, 170x10, 200x10
Twenty sets. Not too bad for my first chest day in a long time. My lifts have come way down over the last month of laziness!

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