Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Workout Log for March 16th: Full-body Rest-Pause

This was a variation of the rest-pause training I've been doing for a couple of weeks (15 reps, resting a little as necessary to get there). Instead, The weight is unracked, one rep is performed, and the weight is racked again. One rep is performed every fifteen seconds until complete failure. Racking and unracking can take a lot of time and energy, so this method isn't as easy as I expected it to be.

  1. BB bench press:
    1. Warm-up: 70 kg x 10, 2 sets
    2. Rest-pause: 100 kg x 8
  2. Bent-over BB Rows (overhand):
    1. Warm-up: 50 kg x 10, 2 sets
    2. Rest-pause: 80 kg x 12 <-- My back tightened up here.
  3. Sumo deadlifts:
    1. Warm-up: 100 kg x 6
    2. Rest-pause: 120 kg x 6 <-- More back tightness and a little pain made me stop
  4. Dips:
    1. Warm-up: 120 kg x 6
    2. Rest-pause: 127 kg (BW+7) x 12
  5. Chin-ups:
    1. Warm-up: 120 kg x 6
    2. Rest-pause: 120 kg x 15
  6. Treadmill: 1.5 km run (10 mins) + 1.5 km walk (15 mins), 280 Cal
  7. DB hammer curls: 35 lb x 10
  8. EZ-bar curls: 80lbs x 8, 90 lbs x 6
  9. Static hang: 1 min

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