- Monday
- Morning: five minute warm-up on the stationary bike, then two rounds of five Nautilus exercises each with three minutes on the bike in between each exercise, followed by a five minute cool down. 37 minutes of cardio and ten sets in 45 minutes. Yay! All weights were moderately heavy.
- Shoulder press
- Pull-over
- Chest press
- Row
- Hack squat
- Evening: Tabata (20 secs work / 10 secs rest) of eight sets per round and two rounds. All weights were 145lbs. Reps for the first round were 15-20 per 20 seconds, but fell to 10-15 for the second round.
- Lat pull-down
- Chest-press
- Leg extension
- Row
- Inclined press
- Leg curl
- Wall balls (squat with medicine ball, explode up and throw to four meters or so, catching and lowering to squat in one motion).
- Jumping rope
- Tuesday
- Morning: a repeat of the Tabata from Monday
- Wednesday
- Morning: 12 set, full-body workout with moderately heavy weight (~10 reps per set)
- Lat pull-down
- Row
- Chest press
- Shoulder press
- Leg extension
- Leg curl
- Evening: Repeat morning workout
- Thursday:
- Morning: 12 set, full-body workout with moderately heavy weight
- Dip
- Supinated pull-down
- Leg extension
- Leg Curl
- X3
- Afternoon: 6 km "run"
- Friday
- Morning: Repeat of Wednesday morning's workout
- Evening: Squats and deadlifs
- Saturday
- Morning: ~26 mile (40km) bike. The route was very hilly and mostly uphill the first half. This is also my first time biking in about nine months. Ack! I've just finished, and I recognize the feeling from when I did my olympic-distance triathlon: I won't be able to stand up in three hours.
Evolving Fat
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Workout Log: Week of 17-22 May 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Workout Log for May 11th: Full-body
I've been sucking at working out, and I can't do half the exercises XF wants me to do, so I've just gone back to full-body, and will let my joints heal.
- Hammer Press: 6 sets, max 310 lbs
- Hammer pull-down: 5 sets, max 310 lbs
- Deadlift: 3 sets, max 325 lbs
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Workout Log for April 29: Crossfit WOD 21-15-9
I've put myself on a strict schedule leading up to my exams on June 2nd. This is the first day, and I'm following it reasonably well. Instead of worrying what to do for a workout, I'm just going to be following the Crossfit WOD at 10:00 a.m. whenever possible and do endurance work at 7:00 a.m.. I was supposed to do clean and jerks today, but my knees are crippled after DLs and V-squats yesterday, and my left forearm had trouble holding the bar, so I switched to box squats. Oh, and I didn't run. :P
21, 15, and 9 reps as giant set for time
21, 15, and 9 reps as giant set for time
- Sumo DB deadlifts 100 lbs.
- Box jumps
- Bodyweight squats
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Workout Log for April 25th: Chest
I was supposed to be off today, but I needed a break from all that math I've been studying. I did something pretty light.
- BB Bench Press: 115, 135, 185 x 6, 205 x 4; rest on chest for one second
- Dip: 255x15
- Military Press: 95x8, 115x6x2
- Tricep pushdown: 100x10
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Workout log for April 24th: Legs
I kept going today because I felt like I had extra to give. I need to do that because a lot of times, I have to cut my workout short when I feel like crap. Good day, today: I broke 800 on the leg press.
- Deadlift: 135x6, 225x6, 315x4
- Rack pull: 405x6
- Back squat: 135x6, 225x4x2
- Leg press: 360x10, 450x8, 540, 630, 720, 810x6
Friday, April 23, 2010
Workout log for April 23rd: Back
I felt weird at the gym today -- like I was being judged.
- Hanging cleans: 95,125,135x6
- Neutral-grip Pull-ups: 255x7,5,3
- Bent-over BB Rows: 135x10, 185x6x2
- Close-hand Pull-downs: 210x6x3
- Alternating Bent-over DB Rows (Core): 40,50,60x10
- Alternating DB Hammer Curls: 35x6 (I couldn't even hold onto the DBs :P )
- Hanging Leg Raises: 10
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Workout Log for Apr 22, 2010: Chest
I only worked out three times last week, and didn't do much yet this week, so I'll be on a 3-split for Th, Fr, Sa. Weight is down to 255 from 270 last month. Everything is in pounds now that I'm in the U.S.
- Push-press: 75x10, 105x6x2
- Dip: 255 x 6, 8, 10
- Alternating DB Chest Press: 60x6x2
- DB Chest Press: 70x8, 80x8
- DB Shoulder Press: 35x10, 40x10, 45x10
- Tricep push-down: 100x15, 120x15, 150x15
- DB Overhead Tricep Extension: 60x10
- Chest Flyes: 150x10, 170x10, 200x10
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