I was supposed to be off today, but I needed a break from all that math I've been studying. I did something pretty light.
- BB Bench Press: 115, 135, 185 x 6, 205 x 4; rest on chest for one second
- Dip: 255x15
- Military Press: 95x8, 115x6x2
- Tricep pushdown: 100x10
I switched cables for the tricep pushdown. Last time, I did 100,120, and 150 for 15 reps. This time, the handle I wanted was connected to the next cable over so I chose 100 and started. Wow! "I must be really worn out," I thought, "because this thing is heavy!" It turns out the machine from today uses a single pulley while the last one was a double-pulley system -- 100 lbs is apparently too heavy, and I felt it in my elbows and forearms after I finished the set. No more for me!