Replacement Therapy is a doctor-prescribed treatment for older guys
like me who have naturally reduced testosterone levels. Symptoms of
low testosterone include weight gain on the abdomen, irritability,
restlessness, difficulty sleeping, reduced energy, and lowered sex
drive. TRT alleviates all these problems, turning you into a virtual
thirty year old.
I'm happy about going on it because I was given Andriol Testocaps
before and they worked wonders. The testosterone was bound to cod
liver oil so that it made its way through the liver, normally a
problem with oral TRT. I lost a lot of weight and felt great while I
was on it. The last two months have been difficult as I have returned
to my normal, sloth-like self.
In addition to the other benefits, this time I don't have to take
nasty pills twice a day. A doctor's visit every three weeks for an
injection is all that it takes.
On "the juice" and happy about it.
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